Past Life Reading
Service Description
Ready to remember another aspect of your multidimensional self? Who are you now? Who were you in the past? How have your past lives shaped your current life? Ten years ago I started my career facilitating past life regressions for clients after studying quantum healing hypnosis technique or QHHT with Dolores Cannon. It was around that time that I discovered that during concentrated meditative eye gazing I was able to receive past life information about the person I was looking at. I would often see the client's faces shift into and show the version of their past life self that we were about to explore during their regression. The flashes were brief as we started to work together but the faces I saw were then confirmed by what the clients revealed under hypnosis. I have decided to offer this as reading now for clients who want to learn more about a past life they have lived but are not available for a full in-person session. For your past life reading, I begin by going into a meditative state as I gaze at your photo, concentrating on your eyes. As I look at your picture and into your eyes, the true window to your soul, I receive downloads and see, feel and understand a past life you have lived. At times I even see the face change shape and I am then looking at your full past life face. The information I receive includes your past life journey, challenges, gifts, talents and powers. I can also see and feel what unresolved issues you have carried over into this life to fully resolve. Patterns, situations and experiences repeat from lifetime to lifetime until you learn the lesson and transcend the issues. We set up our life before we incarnate to experience similar past life issues knowing that we have the resolve and strength to change the outcome in this lifetime. What patterns are you repeating? What issues are you ready to resolve? Leave this earth incarnation as karma free as possible, remember and reactivate your inner power. We have all incarnated at this special time in history to uncover our full potential. The time is now to step into your power. When booking your reading pick a time slot on Sunday between 1:00 and 1:30 and then complete payment. The reading is done over e-mail. Send 3 clear, close-up pictures of your face and eyes to or text #646-983-2874. I will write up your past life information and e-mail you in 3 days with the results.
Cancellation Policy
Please give at least 48 hours notice if you need to reschedule.
Contact Details
41 River Terrace, New York, NY, USA